
Showing posts with the label SignalR

Chat application using SignalR

I know what is magic about now, its just that it somehow works and we don't know how. So was this chat app a magic for me, until yesterday when i got to know how it works. In this post we will try to create a chat application that works with approximately 10-12 lines of real code. ( i am sure we can write that in one line too ;) ) The chat recipe goes like this Ingredient: SingnalR is solution for ASP.NET which lets communicate with client and the server-side with JS and ASP.NET. MVC3 Procedure: Create an empty MVC application ( Which is not really empty) Create a HomeController by right clicking on the controller folder Install latest Jquery and SignalR using Nuget Now create a model Communicator which inherits the Hub from SignalR just like this on the html side do this There's your tasty treat :)  Server-side: uses the dynamic object to call the function defined on the client side. Client-side: client creates an object of the communi...