Protecting sensitive data using Secret Manager in .Net Core
Accidentally pushing sensitive data stored in application config into source controls!!! Thankfully this happens to many not only you 😜. It feels good when you have company doing mistakes or anything else. So here is how make sure this does not happen again. There are multiple ways to protect, the one we will learn now is using Secret Manager tool in #dotnetcore. All we have to do use dotnet user-secrets this command. Before using it remove the sensitive value of the property you are trying to hide. In my case it is "TwilioAuthToken":"" in appsettings.json file. Now in the terminal run this below command, dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools We have the necessary tools required to run the commands on user-secrets . Lets create a key value vault for our project in * .csproj file like this <PropertyGroup> <UserSecretsId>LocalKeyVault</UserSecretsId> </PropertyGr...