
Showing posts with the label C#

Simply Notes #2: Single Click File Upload in ASP.Net

For those who hate to click more than required and like Scott Hanselman said  " There are a finite number of keystrokes left in your hands before you die. "  I definitely have very little left to spare and I am still writing this! - Check yours Here is one way of doing file upload in single click Keep fileupload control hidden using css styles On client click of the upload link button trigger the fileupload click event and return false so that server side click event is not fired Now bind an onchange event for the fileupload control Onchange event trigger the server side click event of upload link button On upload link server click save the file on server

Chat application using SignalR

I know what is magic about now, its just that it somehow works and we don't know how. So was this chat app a magic for me, until yesterday when i got to know how it works. In this post we will try to create a chat application that works with approximately 10-12 lines of real code. ( i am sure we can write that in one line too ;) ) The chat recipe goes like this Ingredient: SingnalR is solution for ASP.NET which lets communicate with client and the server-side with JS and ASP.NET. MVC3 Procedure: Create an empty MVC application ( Which is not really empty) Create a HomeController by right clicking on the controller folder Install latest Jquery and SignalR using Nuget Now create a model Communicator which inherits the Hub from SignalR just like this on the html side do this There's your tasty treat :)  Server-side: uses the dynamic object to call the function defined on the client side. Client-side: client creates an object of the communi...