To use VSCode for .net core you would need Omnisharp extension so that we can debug our application just like as in Visual Studio. -- Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash Using the dotnet new command we create a web and an API project dotnet new webapp appname.web dotnet new webapi appname.api Create a solution so that it wraps all the projects in one place dotnet new sln appname dotnet sln add appname.web appname.api After building the Web and the API projects we need to create the launch.json which VScode refers to build and debug the application. For a complete reference on doing these projects consider this great resource . You can always use VSCode terminal to run these above commands as well, also note you can open multiple terminals the same VSCode instance like this . Setup the launch.json by clicking on add configuration and select .Net core web app. we will need to add two such configurations one for web and another for web ap...
Browsers are getting Stronger Sharper & Smarter ;) The day is not far away when we have nothing but a browser installed in the desktop and things will be floating in the cloud ( provided our ISP are reliable which they are not now). Web technology is so open that even the all time money maker Microsoft to open up. WebGL is a open source technology that helps build 3D enabled apps with its rich API within the browser. WebGL's early application the Body Browser was just a peek to this technology. Google has integrated this tech with the google maps now and they have it pretty well. Google Maps GL once you click on the above link you will see a option on the left bottom something like this then just flow through. Now checkout the satellite view from the right top then just browse places its so smooth, no more frame by frame loading. Now that's sleek ;) even try the new view angles from the round knobs. Well everything was not smooth as i expe...
Docker is just amazing with flexibility we get to not worry about setting up the environments for our application. --Photo by Ilse Orsel on Unsplash Download docker for windows . So with Windows we can use hyper-V and get containers spawned in minutes. Here is how we do it. Make sure you have Hyper-V enabled on windows if not go to turn on windows feature and turn this feature On. Once this is done with restart. Use Hyper-V Manager for Windows to create a Virtual Switch Now use the following commands to create the docker containers docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "Primary Virtual Switch" default this will create a VM, you can see this with Hyper-V manager or docker-machine ls once the machine is created you need to set some of the machine details in Environments Variables to list the variables use docker-machine env default Now set the env vairables as below using bash eval $("C:\Users\arjun_shetty\bin\...
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